Bestone Bio Gas Burners 15-100 kW BFG 1 Range

Bentone specializes in manufacturing and supplying burners for a range of applications, including small gas burners. Their smaller gas burners are designed for use in residential and light commercial heating applications.



Bestone Bio Gas Burners 15-100 kW BFG 1 Range

High efficiency:

Bentone burners are renowned for their exceptional efficiency, delivering robust heat output while consuming minimal fuel compared to conventional burner technologies. This efficiency not only ensures powerful heating capabilities but also translates into substantial long-term savings on energy expenses.

Low emissions:

Bentone burners are engineered to significantly reduce emissions, thereby minimizing the environmental footprint of residential heating systems. This is accomplished through advanced combustion technology that generates fewer pollutants compared to conventional burner designs.

Easy Maintenance:

Bentone burners are characterized by their ease of maintenance, which not only reduces the frequency of repairs but also extends the operational lifespan of the burner. Built for durability and reliability, these burners can be efficiently serviced by qualified technicians, ensuring consistent performance over time.


Bentone burners offer remarkable versatility by supporting a diverse array of fuels such as Natural Gas, LPG, and Bio-gas. This adaptability makes them an ideal choice for residential heating systems, as they can be customized to suit the unique requirements of each household.

Models 1 Stage

BFG 1 H1 15-60
BFG 1 H2 15-65
BGF 1 H3 25-100


Models 2 Stage

BFG 1 – 2H3 25-100